Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Joe on the Go
Summer Crushin, Had Me A Blast

Okay I honestly have no idea where I left off last time because I have no Internet while I’m writing this. The last two weeks have been pretty insane considering I’ve had no direction or actual job and have been able to kind of live like a wild man. I headed back to SLO around August 19th ready to just relax and enjoy some time there for the weekend. What I didn’t know was that I was gonna be spending the next two weeks there hanging out with several different friend groups and going to the bars basically every night. I finally got back into town (Aptos) last night only to go drink again with my parents and brother for big Ant’s 25th birthday. These next few blog posts will be about the 2 weeks I spent in SLO and how miraculous it was.

When we arrived in SLO, it was the first time I had been in our new house with the football guys all living there. However, what sucked was that they were in the middle of fall camp so they pretty much had no time. Regardless, Todd, Jerry, Kevin, and myself were all there with nothing BUT time. We ended up going to 2 for 1s the first Thursday we were there and got pretty hammered. Crushed several bars for 2 for 1 specials on long islands and shots, needless to say we were feeling good. Just like every night, we ended up dancing the night away at Marston’s (and if you go to Cal Poly you know what I mean). Around 1:30 AM is when we left Marston’s, but the night was nowhere close to being done. Todd, myself, and a girl were just planning on walking home when I saw a guy who looked like he was “Straight Out of Compton”. Raiders hat, UCLA baseball jersey, saggy jeans, and “fresh ass J’s” is how he described them, the whole nine. I stopped to talk to him along with two girls, one of which I barely knew from a class I had with her last spring. He introduced himself as E-White but his real name was Eric. For those of you that have seen Jackass or Viva La Bam, I gave him my own nickname of “Compton Ass Eric”. He loved it. 

After chattin with Compton Ass Eric for what seemed to be an hour, the night took another turn when a guy from London, Jake, walked into the conversation randomly. Jake was traveling alone while visiting every big city in California in about 2 weeks. He somehow landed in SLO that night and boy was it eventful for him. After talking to him about my European travels for a while, we decided to walk and get food. We departed from Compton Ass Eric and the two chicks and walked down the street to find something to eat. I knew exactly where to take him when he said “I have never had Taco Bell”. We went to Taco Bell.

Now around 2:30, we arrived at the footsteps of heaven, the front door of T Bell. As we walked in I knew Jake was going to have many questions about what to order and how to order it, so I set him up the only way I knew how, a Crunchwrap Supreme and a Beefy 5 Layer. We sat down to eat and sure enough, Todd was standing right next to me, alone, ready to munch. After I introduced him to my new English lad, he went to go order his food. Once we all had our food, it was destruction time. Only a few minutes into our drunchies, we heard so arguing going on behind us. When we turned around, we noticed it was a drunk dude arguing with a Taco Bell employee. Cmon man, they are charity workers, they gift us the best food at the drunkest times, don’t be a dick.

But no, he had to be one. What happened next was amazing. (Again if you go to SLO and have been to Taco Bell, you know the black cashier like he is your neighbor). The drunk guy was getting heated and pushed the worker, mistake. Next came a right hook by the T Bell worker and it knocked the dude to his ass. The T Bell dude hopped on him and they started going at it, punch for punch. After being separated by the guys friends, they were escorted out. How’s that for your first time at Taco Bell English Jake. I assured him that happens every so often but only if you are acting like a jackass.

After the restaurant had simmered down, we said goodbye to our new friend and hit the road (we live walking distance from T Bell, its pretty dangerous). Todd and I walked home and went to sleep.

I knew that if the first night out was any indication of how this stop in SLO was going to be, I was in for a great couple weeks.

Check me out for another great story on the next post.

Peace and Blessings yall.