Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Joe on the Go

Okay everybody, I’m back. Since I’ve been gone so long, I’m not gonna hit you with every little detail that has surrounded me. However, I will give you some highlights, tips that I’ve recently learned, and current/future plans.

I won’t be doing a post daily but will hopefully be doing it as much as possible. Here goes nothin (ps I’m deep in the babysitting game at the moment and am writing this while the kids sleep).

Summer Part 1

Summer kicked off this year different than most summers. As some of you may know, I was offered a job in Europe to basically take kids to different countries and live the life. Unfortunately, my parents kicked that at the last minute. Not gonna sugar coat it, I was pissed but hey stuff happens. I got over it and prepared myself and the people around me for a summer to be remembered. I knew I was going to have a lot of free time, which for me is good because it gives me time to go on adventures, explore, hangout with my friends; basically do things I wouldn’t be doing if I were working. Summer for us quarter system kids starts a little later than most, so I was itching to start doing stuff.

The first couple weeks started a little slower because I was still in my old house down at school and was preparing for the big move to our new house. So long rats and termites, hello landlord who actually has a pulse. After a couple long days of moving myself, I was finally all in and settled at the new place. What wasn’t settled was my job. And that’s where this edition will begin.

 I was lucky enough to have met some cool people who run a catering company through my friend Brian. They hooked me up with some weekend gigs and it started to fill in some blank spaces (okay T Swift) in my schedule. As long and difficult as the shifts were, it was worth it to work for them because of the lenient schedule and events were only on the weekends. We did a few events before the beginning of July, almost in preparation for the big one.
*Side note, I usually crush the 4th of July, but this year was a little different.

Fourth of July was our big day for catering. There were two events, hours and hours of prep, and hundreds of dollars spent on food and drinks, but boy did we nail them both. I was the lucky one that got to drive back and forth between the two events and help out at both, all the while having a hole down the very center of my slacks. The day of the 4th came and went in a flash. I started working around 9 AM and wasn’t home to about midnight, but it didn’t feel as long as the hours say. On the menu at the wedding event was Mexican. What does that mean? Chicken tacos, Spanish (Mexican) Rice, queso fresco and green chili enchiladas, and lots and lots of alcohol. The chicken was marinated in salsa verde and was slow cooked all morning long. Moist, slightly spicy, and full of flavor, they were delicious no matter what topping you put on it. However, the star of the show was enchiladas. We originally made them for just the vegetarians at the event but everybody kept coming back for more until they were all gone. We even had people asking for the recipe when they saw there were no more left. As for the rice, we sauteed a simple blend of Mexican spices with chilis and onions and let that get nice and golden. After 5 or 6 minutes, we added the rice and let the rice toast, almost like we were making risotto. After a couple minutes, we added the water, covered the pan, and let the rice do its thing. It was tender, rich, and tasted like rice you would get from a restaurant. Safe to say we killed it in the food department, even though we were short staffed and had some issues with the wedding coordinator.

After all was said and done, the food was legit, people had a great time, everyone went home happy, and no one complained, except the bitchy (excuse me) wedding coordinator and her drunk daughter. I would say successful night.

After I got home, I cracked a beer, ate some food, and hit the hay.

I didn’t know it at the time but this was going to be one of my last times working. I was headed home soon. That will be coming up soon. Peace out for now and God bless.

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