Monday, January 26, 2015


The flight from Paris to Barcelona was right around 2 hours. I was stuck in the back row in the farthest seat on the window getting dry humped by the couple next to me. After about 2 hours of hell with them, we finally landed at El Prat, one of the coolest airports I have seen. Located right on the water, it feels like you are about to land in the ocean then a quick left turn and you hit the runway. After fighting my way through the terminal, I exited the airport to find the bus I needed. My Spanish was a little rusty, but I was able to muster up enough to find the right one. The bus took me into the center of the city and after a short walk to the apartment I was staying at, I was finally settled in. Linking up with friends is an awesome way to save money and have a blast in a foreign city. The first day there was soon coming to a close but I had not had dinner yet. The girls took me to a local favorite, Bo De B. I had no idea what to order but they helped me out. A chicken plate was certainly a good choice. A healthy mix food compiled many different layers and flavors. The plate was full of freshly seared and seasoned chicken and a heaping pile of delicious rice. Surrounding this was a spread of lentils, cucumbers, lettuce, dressed tomatoes, avocado, and an array of sauces. So many simple yet delicious flavors combined into one amazing meal, served along side warm bread and a nice 2 euro glass of water (ya, its not free). After dinner, we came home to just watch tv and hangout. The next day was sure to be a good one.

We woke up around 10 o'clock and were all starving. The girls led us to a great breakfast place just a block from their apartment, Brunch and Cake. We only waited a few minutes and were seated in a small table in the corner next to the window. After ordering, our food came within a few minutes. I was presented with pancakes smothered in a fruit chutney and drizzled with maple syrup. Along side that, I got a bagel. Not your ordinary bagel though. Toasted to perfection and loaded with eggs, turkey, and feta guacamole, it was something to cherish. Not to mention, the bagel was bigger than my head. After breakfast, we headed back to the apartment to get ready for the day. Cori and I left the apartment ahead of everybody and walked around a bit. We walked down to the Port of Barcelona through the main street, La Rambla. Lined with soccer shops, restaurants, and street vendors, it was a daily party on the street. We walked through La Rambla on to the pier and across the water. Across the pier was a large mall filled with shops that you would see in America, G-Shock and Gucci for example. After we had enough at the mall, we walked back down La Rambla watching street performers and listening to the different sounds of people and street bands. We met up with the guys at an outside restaurant along the street. We stopped for large glasses of sangria, which is famous in Spain. After small appetizers and more sangria than I am willing to admit, we made our way into the casino next to us for dollar beers and a little degenerate gambling. We stayed in there for what seemed like an eternity, drinking and losing money on slot machines in Spanish. We had a lot planned for that night, so we were trying to get home and shower up. Cori and I ended up passing out in the apartment for the night. I woke up around 3 AM and was so confused as to what was going on, but we missed the whole night.

The next morning came quick and just like the previous, it started at Brunch and Cake, except today everyone was leaving. After breakfast we walked around for a bit. We headed over to the famous Sagrada Familia and boy was it big. Apparently its been under construction for over 100 years and they say it may be under construction for another 100. We didn't go inside because it was 15 Euros (that's a lot on a college budget to enter a building). After buying bottle openers and magnets, watching street performers, and marveling the amazing building, we walked across the street to the FC Barcelona soccer store. It was everything Barcelona and more. So much bright orange, purple, and blue, it looked like a SLO sunset sky. Obviously everything was overpriced because they know tourists will buy it. After we were done looking around, we caught a cab back to the area of La Rambla. The rest of the group had to leave and return to their respected countries, but I wasn't leaving until the next morning. The rest of the day, I walked around alone and saw some amazing places and ate some amazing food on the streets of Barcelona. Barcelona has great places to get friends and family gifts, especially on La Rambla.

With the night coming to a close, the girls wanted to take me out to a traditional Barcelona dinner, tapas. I thought tapas was a meal in itself but instead tapas are just small dishes. We ordered several things. Fries with a fried egg and smothered in hot sauce, braised short ribs on skewers, sauteed shrimp with garlic lime sauce, and some small sandwiches that the girls said were a must. Of course accompanying our meal was a healthy glass of sangria and bread. After dinner, we were about to call it a night before walking past a bar that the girls loved. We walked in and they made me take a "sombrero shot" or something like that immediately. I'm not going to lie, it was delicious. A shot lit on fire and covered in cinnamon, not bad. The rest of the night was the girls studying and me watching the Giants get crushed back in the states (they still won the World Series). My eyes closed around 3:30 AM and before I knew it, it was morning and my time in Barcelona had come to an end.

After gathering up my things and finding my stuff, it was back to the airport for another short flight to another very different country, but this time ENGLISH!

As sad as I was to leave Barcelona, I could not wait to see what London had in store for me. Barcelona was such a cool place with so many things to offer every type of traveler. I did not get too intertwined in the famous club scene there, but that will be saved for another time. London, here I come. Ciao for now.

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