Sunday, January 18, 2015


Not too proud of this trip but boy was it an interesting one. Our school (CEA) was nice enough to take us on an overnight trip to Torino, a French-influenced city in northwest Italy. A short train ride away and we were there. The day started with a big lunch which consisted of meat filled-ravioli-like pasta, bread, (obviously) and some delicious sliced meats with cheese. After lunch, we walked to some really interesting museums including one that housed an old style court room. Later in the day, we visited the Cinema Museum, which was actually really cool. A huge amphitheater scattered with personal massage chairs with speakers to watch a film included in the tour. Once the tour was over, we were on our own for the remainder of the evening.

Walking around a foreign city with a group of college kids can get you lost quite quickly. However, after navigating through the streets, somehow figuring out the subway, and using maps without great wifi, we ended up at some Chinese restaurant. We sat down, ordered a beer, and immediately left (the food looked terrible). Instead, we ended up walking next door to an Irish pub and getting some of the best food we had had so far on the trip. The pub had a pool table and high alcohol content beer so naturally we thought we should stay all night. After about an hour of drinking 10% beers, myself and several others blacked out. Not knowing what we were doing, we somehow found ourselves at another bar ordering 2 for 5 Euro beers (allegedly). Next thing I knew I was being served water in bed around 8:30 the next morning by the one and only Jeff, or GodSent as we nicknamed him. The next day was clearly a struggle, but the night prior was so worth it.

Torino was not the coolest city I have been to, but it was awesome to see another side of Italy, especially a part so influenced by the French. Of course before we left we had to get some Italian gelato, as if we hadn't had enough. Grom, one of the best gelato places in Florence, has it's original shop in Torino so we went there. Absolutely delicious. White chocolate with dark chocolate was definitely the way to go.

All in all, Torino definitely had it's ups and downs but we really did enjoy ourselves there. For anyone looking to travel to a different part of Italy then what you traditionally think of, Torino is a cool town with lots of history, great food, and amazing sights.

Tomorrow will be the start of the week off we had during the semester where I found myself in Paris with no plans and 4 girls. Ciao for now.

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